Cab Booking #patna 📲 87576 39959

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A taxi car in motion with a blurred city background, capturing a sense of speed and movement. The taxi is white with yellow and black markings and is driving along a street with various urban elements such as road signs visible.
A taxi car in motion with a blurred city background, capturing a sense of speed and movement. The taxi is white with yellow and black markings and is driving along a street with various urban elements such as road signs visible.
A vintage yellow taxi with the text 'Yellow Cab Co.' on the side is parked on a wooden street in front of a building with green trim and large windows. The scene has a nostalgic feel, with elements reminiscent of a bygone era.
A vintage yellow taxi with the text 'Yellow Cab Co.' on the side is parked on a wooden street in front of a building with green trim and large windows. The scene has a nostalgic feel, with elements reminiscent of a bygone era.
A red taxi with signage on the side and top is parked on a sunlit street. The taxi has a number plate with a series of numbers and letters displayed on top. In the background, there are other vehicles and a building with a stone facade.
A red taxi with signage on the side and top is parked on a sunlit street. The taxi has a number plate with a series of numbers and letters displayed on top. In the background, there are other vehicles and a building with a stone facade.
Several taxi cars are aligned in a busy urban street at night, with illuminated taxi signs on their roofs. People are walking in the background, suggesting a bustling nightlife atmosphere. The ambient lighting is warm, casting a yellowish glow over the scene.
Several taxi cars are aligned in a busy urban street at night, with illuminated taxi signs on their roofs. People are walking in the background, suggesting a bustling nightlife atmosphere. The ambient lighting is warm, casting a yellowish glow over the scene.